Much of the coverage of Ozempic—the injectable medication also known as Semaglutide—revolves around celebrities. Who’s definitely taking it, who’s probably taking it, and who’s denied taking it. Who gets left out: people with type 2 diabetes dealing with shortages because their medication has become a viral weight loss drug. It’s a problematic place to start a conversation already filled with so many potential minefields: Who “gets” access to a drug that costs around $1,000 a week—and has only been FDA approved for a certain portion of the population? How can doctors safely monitor for side effects when it is regularly prescribed off label—and even more worryingly, knocked off by compounding pharmacies? And how does a “get thin quick!” drug affect an already diet-crazed society, one with an anti-fat bias so entrenched that people who look overweight face stigmas and hurdles everywhere from courtrooms to the Jeopordy stage? Especially when we consider, as writer Marquisele Mercedes does, the more sinister implications of a pharmaceutical corporation profiting from that society’s fear of fat.
The stories below put faces and facts to these concerns, painting a fuller picture of how this recently approved drug has lasting effects—and not only on the people who take it.
Images by Emilija Manevska / Getty Images