Of Course We’re Living in a SimulationThe only people who absolutely disagree are, well, scientists. They need to get over themselves and join the fun.
Have We Forgotten How to Read Critically?Since the internet has made the entire world a library with no exits or supervisors, many readers treat every published piece of writing as a conversation opener, demanding a bespoke response.
Have We Been Thinking About Burnout All Wrong?A term suggesting rock bottom stops meaning rock bottom when we’re all there and, somehow, still going.
The Reluctant Prophet of Effective AltruismWilliam MacAskill’s movement set out to help the global poor. Now his followers fret about runaway A.I. Have they seen our threats clearly, or lost their way?
Is the World Really Falling Apart, or Does It Just Feel That Way?By most measures—with one glaring exception—people around the world are better off than ever. So why doesn’t it feel that way, especially to Americans?
The Disappearing Art Of MaintenanceThe noble but undervalued craft of maintenance could help preserve modernity’s finest achievements, from public transit systems to power grids, and serve as a useful framework for addressing climate change and other pressing planetary constraints.
Pocket’s Top Articles of 2022Explore the stories that defined the year, and the ones we’ll still be talking about in 2023. Plus, discover the best long reads, smart advice, and entertaining culture writing that Pocket readers loved this year.