You Don’t Need to Separate Your Laundry (With One Common Exception)We learned to do laundry from our parents, but things are different now.
There’s No Need to Shower Every Day – Here’s WhyIs washing ourselves very frequently necessary? Some experts believe that everyday showering is based more on a ‘social contract’ than actual need.
It’s Time to Stop Pre-Rinsing Your DishesYou might think it helps the dishwasher get them cleaner, but it actually does the opposite.
Who Says You Need a Bed Frame?The Princess and the Pea had it all wrong. The coziest way to get a good night’s rest has nothing to do with being as far above the ground as possible—in fact, the opposite may be more accurate.
Everything Got Better Once I Stopped Cooking For My FamilyThe mealtimes I dreamed of are happening, just over different kinds of food than the fantasy includes.
The Rise of the ‘No-Wash’ MovementThere’s a growing cohort of people who believe in washing clothes less – or not at all. Matilda Welin talks to the ‘no-wash’ and ‘low-wash’ believers.
7 Things in Your Kitchen You Don’t Have to Clean Nearly as Often as You DoMost of the time, when I’m researching a cleaning story for this site, my takeaway is: I’m not cleaning well enough, or often enough. So it was a relief to search for things I’m cleaning too much.
Try ‘Micro-Decluttering’ When Cleaning Is Too OverwhelmingTry this when cleaning the whole house is simply too daunting.
How to Transform Packaged Food Into Your New Favorite MealLow-effort ways to upgrade your go-to staples, from brownie mix that tastes homemade to grown-up mac and cheese you can have ready in just a few.
Want to Be More Productive? Try Doing Less.If we want to ramp up our productivity and happiness at home and at work, we should actually be doing less.
BONUS READ: Less Is More: The ‘Laziest’ Ways to Be a Great ParentNot only can kids survive without meticulously packed lunches and screentime guidelines—they can thrive.