Comedian Laci Mosley might just change the way you think about scams. Her two-year-old podcast, Scam Goddess, brilliantly, lovingly critiques great cons throughout history in a way that elevates the scam to an art form. Which jibes well with her preferred moniker for the perpetrators she covers: con artistes.
“Here’s what sets scams apart from most crimes,” Mosley explains by phone from Los Angeles. “People involved with scams — on all sides — often look back on these stories fondly. They laugh, they see the weird, the funny, the quirky. There’s a lot of fun to be had in this realm.”
As for Mosley’s connection to the medium? “I’ve been scammed, I’ve scammed institutions, I’ve been on all sides, and I’m fascinated by every angle.”
So who better to walk us through some of the greatest cons of our time? We tapped Mosley to share a collection of great scam reads and listens, along with notes on why each of them manages to hold a special spot in the heart of the Scam Goddess herself.
Image by Ok Sotnykova/Getty Images
The Great Wine Fraud
LM: “I love Rudy, the wine scammer, because he did what we all did in 7th grade, but for wine. Remember when you had to make an old map, so you’d burn the edges or put tea on it to make it look older? He did that, but with wine. He was cooking the wine on his stove, like it was stir fry.”
Bonus: Watch the documentary, Sour Grapes, on Amazon Prime.
The Real College Admissions Scandal is What’s Legal
LM: “Aunt Becky. Wow. From Full House to the big house. What a transition, what a journey. What’s fun about this is Aunt Becky seems to be the story, but the real story is about the three men who orchestrated this scam and probably could have continued to do this if one didn’t decide to be greedy and cut out the middleman.”
Bonus: Watch ABC’s The Con episode on The Varsity Blues Con.
Chameleon: Hollywood Con Queen [LISTEN]
LM: “The Hollywood con queen was impersonating powerful industry people, and luring others to go to Indonesia to participate in the scam, which involved a moped. I love a scam on two wheels! Delicious. The Chameleon podcast is the best way to learn the whole story because it is a real time investigation of this con artist, and leads to the podcast actually finding the criminal—they aid the police with a very key piece of information.”
Bonus: Read The Hollywood Reporter’s investigation of the con queen.
Laci Mosley
Laci Mosley is an American actress, comedian, and podcaster from Dallas, Texas. She performs improv comedy at UCB Los Angeles and co-starred in the Pop comedy series Florida Girls. Mosley is best known for her podcast Scam Goddess, which focuses on historical and contemporary scams and cons with a comedic twist. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.